Subject: Snow Day! From: David Evans Date: 1/21/16, 7:39 PM Hi all, As you've probably heard, a massive blizzard is coming and the University has declared tomorrow as snow day! We'll revise the schedule accordingly: - Please complete the "before 8:29pm Thursday" items on no later than noon tomorrow, except you should now remember to bring the signed course pledge back to class Monday. - For the items listed for "11:29pm on Sunday, 24 January", you should still be able to complete the first two of these (read Chapter 2 of the coursebook, and the Udacity cs101 course through completing "Problem Set 1"), but the first opportunity to take the "white belt test" will be postponed to Wednesday's class (Jan 27). For the Udacity cs101 course, you should attempt to at least complete the "Lesson 1: How to Get Started" and "Lesson 1: Problem Set" sections (the last question #9, is marked as a "double gold star" question - you should attempt to solve this, but don't be stressed if you can't get it). It is not expected that you do the "Lesson 1: Problem Set (Optional)" section (although you may find it useful to try these extra problems). You don't need to watch the "Lesson 1: Q&A" segment, although might find it worth watching for Peter Chapman's (UVA BACS 2012) comedic talents! Be wary that Udacity will try to get you to give them a credit card number and register for various non-free things, but none of these are necessary for what you will do in this course. You do need to register (provide an email address or use Facebook or Google single sign-on), but do not need to do anything that is not free on the site. - If you are on the waiting list now, if you complete the "before 8:29pm Thursday" items and your registration survey id matches the one on the waiting list, you are in the class. (I don't think there is a way for me to do this automatically in SIS; instead, I'll set up a permission so you can enroll in the class, and I believe you'll receive a notification to do this, but will still need to actually do the enrollment in SIS.) I'll be on slack between sledding and snow-person-making opportunities tomorrow if you have any questions (and on email). Have a great snow day, --- Dave